Experience the Future of Cigar Storage
The Cigar Oasis Plus is a cutting-edge automatic humidity control system designed to provide the perfect environment for your cigars. With its advanced features and sleek design, this smart humidor is the ultimate solution for cigar enthusiasts who demand the best.
Precise Humidity Control
The Cigar Oasis Plus features a built-in smart humidor technology that allows for precise humidity control, ensuring your cigars are stored in optimal conditions. The system automatically adjusts the humidity levels to maintain the perfect environment for your cigars.
Convenient Remote Monitoring
With the Cigar Oasis Plus, you can monitor and adjust the settings of your humidor remotely through your PC, web, or mobile app. This means you can keep an eye on your cigar collection even when you're not physically present. Receive email or text alerts for low humidity and water levels, so you can take action promptly.
Advanced Features for Enhanced Cigar Care
The Cigar Oasis Plus comes with a range of advanced features that set it apart from other humidity control systems. The low water indicator with alarm ensures you never forget to refill the water cartridge, while the soft touch button controls make it easy to operate the system.
Upgrade Your Cigar Collection
Invest in the Cigar Oasis Plus today and experience the difference for yourself. This advanced humidity control system is designed to help you maintain your cigar collection in perfect condition, ensuring you can enjoy your favorite cigars for years to come. Buy online now and take your cigar collection to the next level!