Experience the Future of Cigar Storage
Are you tired of constantly monitoring the humidity levels in your cigar storage? Do you want to ensure that your cigars are stored in the perfect conditions? Look no further than the Cigar Oasis Excel, a revolutionary smart humidor that takes cigar storage to the next level. With its automatic humidity control, WiFi capability, and remote monitoring, this device is the ultimate solution for cigar enthusiasts.
Advanced Humidity Control
The Cigar Oasis Excel is equipped with advanced humidity control technology that maintains the perfect humidity levels for your cigars. With its precise digital display, you can easily monitor the humidity levels and receive alerts when they deviate from the optimal range. This ensures that your cigars are always stored in the best conditions, preserving their flavor and aroma.
Remote Monitoring and Control
The Cigar Oasis Excel takes remote monitoring and control to the next level with its built-in WiFi capability. Using your PC, web, or mobile app, you can monitor the humidity levels, adjust settings, and receive alerts remotely. This means you can ensure that your cigars are always stored in the perfect conditions, even when you're not there.
Low Water Indicator with Alarm
The Cigar Oasis Excel also features a low water indicator with alarm, ensuring that you never run out of water and compromising the humidity levels. This feature provides an additional layer of protection for your cigars, giving you peace of mind that they are always stored in the best conditions.
Modern Design and Capacity
The Cigar Oasis Excel boasts a sleek and modern design that fits perfectly in any home or office. With a capacity to store 50-300 cigars or up to 4 cubic feet, this device is perfect for cigar enthusiasts who want to store their collection in optimal conditions. The replacement water cartridges are also easily available, making maintenance a breeze.