The Ultimate Cigar Storage Solution
Are you tired of damaged or ruined cigars due to improper storage? Look no further than the Cigar Safe 15, a rugged and durable humidor designed to keep your precious cigars protected from water and crush damage. With its water and crush resistant design, you can rest assured that your cigars are safe and secure, no matter the environment.
Rugged Structure for Maximum Protection
The Cigar Safe 15 features a rugged structure with a rubber gasket seal and snap tight clips, ensuring a secure and airtight seal. This means that your cigars are protected from moisture, air, and other external factors that can affect their flavor and quality. The humidor's durable design also makes it perfect for travel or outdoor use.
Space for Up to 15 Cigars
The Cigar Safe 15 has a spacious interior that can store up to 15 cigars, with 3 protective foam cigar beds to keep your cigars secure and organized. The humidor is designed to store cigars up to 7.5 inches long, making it ideal for larger cigars and cigar enthusiasts who want to store multiple cigars at once.
Humidifier Compatible Design
The Cigar Safe 15 is designed to be humidifier compatible, allowing you to maintain optimal humidity levels for your cigars. This ensures that your cigars remain fresh and flavorful, and prevents them from drying out or becoming over-humidified.
Convenient and Portable
The Cigar Safe 15 is designed to be convenient and portable, making it perfect for travel or outdoor use. The humidor features a carrying handle and a compact design that fits easily in a bag or backpack, allowing you to take your cigars with you wherever you go.