Experience the Luxury of Saint Regis Humidors
Step up your cigar game with the Saint Regis humidor, boasting an exquisite cherry finish crown molding and door accents that exude sophistication and refinement. Perfect for cigar enthusiasts, this humidor is designed to provide optimal storage and display of your prized cigar collection. With its sleek design and premium materials, it's sure to be the centerpiece of any room.
Dual Section Full-Length Framed Glass Doors
The Saint Regis humidor features dual section full-length framed glass doors that provide ample storage and visibility. The glass sides allow you to showcase your cigars, while the embossed lower doors and side panels add an extra touch of elegance. The framed glass doors are designed to keep your cigars fresh and protected from the outside environment.
Adjustable Height Angled Shelves
The adjustable height angled shelves of the Saint Regis humidor are designed to accommodate cigars of various sizes. You can store your favorite cigars in style, and easily access them when you need to. The angled shelves also ensure that your cigars are stored at the optimal angle, preventing them from getting damaged or crushed.
Additional Storage Compartment
The lower storage compartment of the Saint Regis humidor provides additional space for storing boxes of cigars, cigar accessories, and other related items. This feature is perfect for cigar enthusiasts who have a large collection and need extra storage space. You can store your cigars and accessories in one convenient location, making it easy to access them when you need to.
Premium Materials and Craftsmanship
The Saint Regis humidor is crafted from premium materials, ensuring that it will last for years to come. The Spanish cedar lining provides a natural aromatic flavor to your cigars, while the removable sectional tray with 9 divisions allows you to store each cigar individually. The 6 large oblong humidifiers and hygrometer ensure that your cigars are stored in optimal humidification conditions.