Luxury Cigar Storage
If you're a cigar aficionado, you know that storing your prized possessions is of utmost importance. That's why we bring to you the Salvador cigar humidor, a masterpiece of luxury and functionality. With its high gloss Brazilian rosewood finish, this humidor is not just a storage unit, but a statement piece for any room. Buy this humidor online today and experience the ultimate in cigar storage.
Ample Storage Capacity
This humidor has a massive capacity of 250 cigars, making it perfect for cigar enthusiasts who have a large collection. The dual removable trays and 3 adjustable dividers ensure that your cigars are stored in perfect conditions, with each cigar getting its own space. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, this humidor is sure to impress.
Advanced Humidification System
The Salvador humidor features not one, but two polished silver humidifiers that work together to maintain the perfect humidity levels for your cigars. The silver framed digital hygrometer ensures that you can monitor the humidity levels with precision, and the built-in humidity calibration feature takes the guesswork out of humidifier maintenance. With this advanced system, you can rest assured that your cigars will remain fresh and flavorful.
Convenience and Security
This humidor is designed to make your life easier. The invisible steel lining inside the lid allows the humidifier & hygrometer to attach magnetically, making it easy to remove and clean. The lock & key set ensures that your cigars are safe from prying eyes, and the scratch resistant felted bottom protects your furniture from scratches. Buy this humidor online today and experience the ultimate in convenience and security.
Premium Quality Construction
The Salvador humidor is built to last, with a construction that exudes premium quality. The polished silver feet add a touch of elegance, while the high gloss Brazilian rosewood finish gives it a luxurious look. Whether you're looking to upgrade your cigar storage or gift it to a fellow enthusiast, this humidor is sure to impress.