The Ultimate Cigar Gift Set
Indulge in the ultimate cigar gift set, designed specifically for cigar enthusiasts. The Kensington holds up to 75 cigars, making it the perfect addition to your collection or a thoughtful gift for the cigar aficionado in your life.
Luxurious Design
This humidor is crafted with an ultra-rich high gloss ebony cherry wood finish, giving it a luxurious and sophisticated appearance. The see-through glass top allows you to easily view your prized cigar collection.
Essential Accessories Included
The Kensington comes complete with all the essential accessories you need to enjoy your cigars to the fullest. The matching wood ashtray features a stainless steel reservoir and cigar beds, while the polished silver humidifier with mounting magnet set ensures your cigars are always stored at the perfect humidity level.
Convenient Travel Case
The included black cigar case holds two cigars, making it the perfect travel companion for cigar enthusiasts on-the-go. The stainless steel guillotine cigar cutter is also included, ensuring you always have a clean cut.
Advanced Humidity Control
The silver external digital hygrometer with built-in calibration feature displays the current relative humidity and temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius, giving you precise control over the storage conditions of your cigars. The adjustable divider and Spanish cedar lining ensure your cigars are always stored in optimal conditions.