Experience the Ultimate in Cigar Storage
For the cigar connoisseur, storing your prized possessions in a premium humidor is a must. The Brown Alligator Leather Cigar Humidor is the epitome of style and functionality, designed to hold up to 20 cigars in optimal conditions.
Premium Materials and Craftsmanship
The exterior of this stunning humidor is crafted from high-quality Brown Alligator leather, providing a luxurious look and feel. The interior is fully lined with genuine Spanish Cedar, renowned for its natural resistance to pests and moisture.
Advanced Humidity Control
The matching Spanish Cedar lined leather cigar humi-tube ensures that your cigars are stored in the perfect environment. The built-in hygrometer and humidifier at each end maintain the ideal humidity levels, keeping your cigars fresh and flavorful.
Convenience and Practicality
This humidor comes with a range of convenient features, including a stainless steel guillotine cigar cutter for precise cuts, and a matching 2-cigar leather case for on-the-go storage. The gold hygrometer and humidifiers attach to the lid magnetically, making it easy to monitor and adjust the humidity levels.
Impressive Dimensions and Portability
Measuring 9-3/4" W x 8-1/2" D x 3-1/8" H, this humidor is compact and portable, making it perfect for travel or storage in your office or study. The sleek design and premium materials ensure that it will be a stylish addition to any room.