Elevate Your Cigar Game
Take your cigar collection to the next level with the Stetson cigar humidor. This stunning humidor is designed to hold up to 150 cigars, making it the perfect choice for cigar enthusiasts. The elegant high lacquer finish and unique tobacco leaf inlay design add a touch of sophistication to any room.
Luxury Construction
The Stetson humidor is constructed with exceptional quality, featuring a Spanish cedar lining and adjustable divider to ensure optimal humidity levels. The removable tray and adjustable divider make it easy to organize your cigars, while the embedded gold side handles and internal locking hinges add a touch of luxury to this impressive humidor.
Humidity Control
The Stetson humidor comes equipped with a built-in calibration feature for precise humidity control. This feature ensures that your cigars are stored at the perfect humidity level, preserving their flavor and aroma. Whether you're a seasoned cigar enthusiast or just starting your collection, this humidor has got you covered.
Design and Style
The Stetson humidor boasts a stunning dome-style lid and four legs that raise the base of the humidor, giving it a commanding look and feel. The authentic solid wood border and unique tobacco leaf inlay design add a touch of elegance to this already impressive humidor.
Invest in Quality
Don't settle for mediocre cigar storage. Invest in the Stetson humidor and experience the difference that luxury construction and attention to detail can make. This humidor is built to last, providing years of reliable service and protecting your valuable cigar collection.