Experience the Luxury of Davenport Cigar Humidor
Indulge in the rich flavor and aroma of your favorite cigars with the Davenport Cigar Humidor. Crafted with a rich ebony wood finish, this premium humidor is designed to store up to 50 cigars in optimal humidification conditions.
Premium Features for Cigar Connoisseurs
The Davenport Humidor boasts a range of premium features that set it apart from other cigar storage solutions. The Spanish cedar lining ensures optimal humidification, while the felt bottom and silver internal locking hinges provide added durability and style.
Convenient and Practical Design
This humidor is designed with convenience and practicality in mind. The stainless steel cigar scissors and 2 cigar black leather case provide added ease of use, while the ebony wood ashtray with removable easy-to-clean stainless ash reservoir dish and built-in cigar scissor storage underneath the lid make maintenance a breeze.
Adjustable Divider for Customized Storage
The adjustable divider allows you to customize the storage space to fit your unique cigar collection. Whether you prefer to store cigars of different sizes or organize them by brand, the Davenport Humidor accommodates your needs.
Complete Cigar Storage Solution
With its rich ebony wood finish, premium features, and convenient design, the Davenport Cigar Humidor is the ultimate storage solution for cigar enthusiasts and collectors. Buy online today and experience the perfect blend of style, functionality, and humidification control!