Experience the Ultimate in Cigar Storage
Are you a cigar enthusiast looking for a premium humidor to store and age your prized possessions? Look no further than the Chateau Glasstop. This luxurious humidor boasts a Spanish cedar lined interior, internal locking hinges, and a built-in humidifier, making it the perfect solution for cigar aficionados who demand the best.
Optimal Humidity Control
The Chateau Glasstop features a Spanish cedar lined interior, renowned for its ability to regulate humidity levels and preserve the flavor and aroma of your cigars. This natural, aromatic wood also adds a touch of elegance to the overall design.
Secure and Convenient
The internal locking hinges of the Chateau Glasstop provide an added layer of security, ensuring that your valuable cigars are protected from unauthorized access. The hinges also make it easy to open and close the lid, allowing you to access your cigars with ease.
Consistent Humidity Levels
The built-in humidifier of the Chateau Glasstop ensures that the interior of the humidor remains at a consistent level of humidity, ideal for storing and aging your cigars. This feature eliminates the need for manual humidification, saving you time and effort.
Stylish and Modern Design
The durable glass top of the Chateau Glasstop adds a touch of sophistication and modernity to the overall design. This stylish feature also allows you to view your cigars without having to open the humidor, making it easy to monitor their condition.
Ideal Capacity
The Chateau Glasstop has a generous capacity, allowing you to store and age up to 100 cigars. This makes it an ideal solution for cigar enthusiasts who have a large collection or who like to share their passion with friends and family.