Elevate Your Cigar Storage Experience
Take your cigar storage to the next level with the Berkeley II humidor. This premium humidor features a stunning two tone dark mahogany and black lacquer finish that exudes sophistication and elegance. The perfect addition to any home or office, this humidor is designed to impress.
Unparalleled Craftsmanship
Crafted with precision and attention to detail, the Berkeley II humidor boasts a see through glass top that allows you to showcase your prized cigar collection. The polished silver hardware adds a touch of luxury, while the black face external hygrometer ensures precise humidity control.
Ample Storage and Organization
With a removable tray and 2 adjustable dividers, the Berkeley II humidor offers ample storage and organization for your cigars. The Spanish cedar lining and internal locking hinges add an extra layer of protection, while the lock and key set ensure secure storage.
Ideal for Cigar Enthusiasts
Whether you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or just starting your collection, the Berkeley II humidor is the perfect choice. Its premium features and elegant design make it an ideal addition to any home or office. Buy Berkeley II humidors online today and experience the ultimate in cigar storage.
Invest in Quality
Don't settle for a subpar humidor that compromises on quality and design. The Berkeley II humidor is a premium product that will last for years to come. With its durable construction and exceptional craftsmanship, this humidor is a worthwhile investment for any cigar enthusiast. Buy now and experience the difference for yourself.