Experience the Ultimate in Cigar Storage
Take your cigar collection to the next level with the Berkeley Digital Cigar Humidor. This premium humidor is designed to provide the perfect environment for your cigars, with a cherry finish cabinet lined with Spanish Cedar to maintain optimal humidity levels.
Ample Storage Space
With a capacity to store up to 100 cigars, this humidor is perfect for cigar enthusiasts who want to keep their collection organized and within reach. The removable tray with adjustable divider allows for customizable storage, so you can arrange your cigars exactly how you want them.
Precise Humidity Control
The Berkeley Digital Cigar Humidor features a black oblong humidifier with magnet adhesive, ensuring that your cigars are stored at the perfect humidity level. The built-in external digital hygrometer with calibration feature provides accurate monitoring, so you can adjust the humidity levels to your liking.
Additional Features
This humidor also features internal locking hinges and a scratch-resistant felt bottom to protect your furniture. The lock and key set ensures that your cigars are secure and protected from the outside environment.
Upgrade Your Cigar Storage Today
Don't settle for mediocre cigar storage solutions. Upgrade to the Berkeley Digital Cigar Humidor and experience the difference for yourself. With its sleek design, advanced features, and precise humidity control, this humidor is the perfect addition to any cigar enthusiast's collection. Buy online today!